Written Communication

              I believe that an efficient assignment to teach students written communication is when you let them create their own written exercise write something related to the subject being taught.  This is because when they write something in particular is because it is something they had in their mind and it will make it easier for them to write about.  Another effective method could be letting them write about something that happens in their surroundings, something they could easily relate to.   This is because when they have knowledge of things that happened around them, the words could come to them faster and they could easily write about.

               Something that I see that students do not like to do is write the same things over and over.  Repetition seems to batter them a lot of times. Something else, which I think is not effective, is giving them written assignments to do at home.  This is because most of the time they are not done by the students.  The students at home won’t have the same guidance than in school. I would give them assignments that I have prepared them well enough so they can do it by themselves.

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