Concluding Reflection

                Throughout my practice teaching I have learned a lot from my students and about myself. It is amazing how human kind can have the capacity of continuous change. What I knew in the beginning of my practice doesn’t compare to the understanding and the knowledge I have now. I have gained more confidence and more group control among other great things that we go trough as teachers. It has being a wonderful process; I can say that this is my purpose in life. I was born to be a facilitator, I know that this is just the start but I know that no matter how tuff things can get I will still have more knowledge to help me through. Also, I know that no matter how long someone has been teaching we can still learn each day. We can innovate and develop student’s minds like no other can, after all of us as teachers spend more time with these students. We are their second parents and as so we have to give them are all. I know that I have made a difference in my student’s lives with just my presence, because it’s not easy being a teacher and they even ask me if I still want to become a teacher. Very sure of myself I answer them quickly of course remember the person that discover a passion for teaching is very fortunate to be in such a position. Being a teacher brings great responsibility but it is worth more than anybody can imagine.

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