Oral Communication

I believe that one of the most outstanding models for oral communication is when you let student present an oral report related to their own experience.  When you let them talk about anything in particular that happened to them or they are aware off, they will feel the need to express what they think about the subject. Their words could come out easily and they could feel more a high self-esteem to present the topic.  Another outstanding method could be performing in groups. When you let them work in groups to present a play or something, they could feel support from each other.  They could also be evaluated by their peers before the actual finish performance and accept their comments in a more natural way than if done by a teacher.  This could not make them lose their confidence at the time of performance and will let them have more control to perform. 

One of the least effective methods could be, when you give a student a topic they do not like to talk about.  This is because if you let them choose the topic, they will feel more confident in themselves and will do better at it.    Another least effective model could be, when you give them something to read in front with a lot of unfamiliar words.  It is best if they do their own search in order to get comfortable with the topic and acquire knowledge through it.  If they do not know the words they could get confuse and feel unsecure by it.

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