martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

On February 23, 2012 my 10-3 class was in the exploration phase of the short story “Stray” by Cynthia Rylant. The activity was to compose some sentences that would say what kind of dog you would be, what would be your name as a dog, and how you would want to be treated. Then the students will decorate the dogs as how they want to look as dogs. These are some of the pictures of my students working.  

On Friday March 2, 2012. The (Alcadia) came today to bring the materials for the special project. It is very important that the community helped us accomplish our special project because this will affect their own environment. The people that were involved today were the alcadias workers, and the secretaries of the alcalde Papo Garcia. The materials that were donated to us were: 2 piles of paint (grey, and blue mixed with grey), 3 tables (2 squares, 1 round table), 3 benches made of wood and 2 storages for the table games and decoration. I am more than grateful for the things that they donated, this gives us a start. here you can see some pics of that day.

On Saturday march 11, 2012. Carmen, Carlos (Carmen’s husband), Tim (Teressa’s brother) and me Teressa came to paint the room for the special project. We did a lot of progress. I am very glad and tired we started at 8 a clock in the morning and got out at 2:30 in the afternoon. The special project consumes a lot of time and dedication. I wanted to stay longer but we had to leave because we needed to eat and I had to go to work. I wish I can do this again next Saturday but we have PCEMAS!!! Anyway it was a great experience working together and cooperating as a group. In the following is some pictures of the things we did that day.

special project room

   The special project that a security guard suggested for us to do is a student center. We as a group decided that it was a good project to do but it will take a lot of work and dedication of Carmen, Melanie and me Teressa. This day I decided that it was time to start our special project cleaning. I talked to the director and he acted quickly he said that he was going to call the cleaning ladies to help me clean. I started cleaning with some of my students that wanted to help me. The task was exhausting but we meet our goal that was cleaning the room. Here you will find some of the pictures of how it started. It was really dirty and there were a lot of books everywhere. The students, the cleaning lady and I were cleaning the room. Later on Melanie came and helped clean.